Product updates
July 2022For ProSimA320 various display elements on the PFD and ND have been tuned to even more accurately to reflect the aircraft. The calculation of VNAV TOC/TOD/intercept arrows and decent speeds, as well as auto flight behaviour has been improved. A new usage-based hydraulic model has been implemented. Several engine-related indications have been tuned together with many smaller system and logic improvements. Also, improved versions of our flight/visual models both for Prepar3D and FS2020 have been released.
In both ProSim737 and ProSim737 MAX many FMS improvements have been implemented, for example new EXEC logic and the MOD & estimation logic which has been revised as well as improved. LNAV and auto-throttle logic have been updated including other minor changes. Closed loop trim and the elevator-based AP pitch channel was added. The top line FDS TQ is now fully supported. For ProSim737, changes in system logic have been included based on 737 hardware differences, such as GALLEY / CAB-UTIL switch logic. We are currently working on more VNAV improvements, a new hydraulic model, the implementation of a new CPFlight communcation layer and simulator independent flight surface animations. With regard to the flight/visual model for FS2020 some improvements have been released while others are currently being worked on.
Now available for the Professional user licences, ProSim Professional Data Link (PDL) is a tool that allows character-oriented communication between ProSim Professional Simulator Suite, a Simulated Airline Operations Center (sAOC), and a Simulated ATC Facility (sATC). This tool follows protocol conventions of ARINC 618 and ICAO Doc. 4444 PANS-ATM to allow interconnection with ATS training infrastructure if needed. The PDL system does not rely on any external application. The communication occurs within ProSimCDU/MCDU, acting as its airborne component, and ProSimIOS acting as its ground component.